Summer Camps

Now is the time to start think about your child’s future and education. Now is the time to start thinking about universities in the United Kingdom What better way to reward your child for a year of hard work and study than with a UK summer camp each year. it gives them something to remember and look forward to. Exciting and fun in a safe educational environment, an opportunity to experience the reality of studying in the UK, and seeing it move closer with each passing year, make new friends, gain confidence in the English language, learn about our history, culture, and discover how we created one of the greatest educational systems in the world. Visit our universities and learn all about our application process’s. Get to know our staff and company, there’s nothing more reassuring when your children come to study in the UK than knowing you and your children have people you can turn to that you have known for many years.

Our summer camps are ideal for schools, colleges and groups, and of course we can cater for individuals. Summer camps require a minimum of 20 students and are organised through our partner group. For more information on our 2020 summer camps please contact Paul at or call on (0)44 744036077

Our 2019 Summer Camps Visited